Abstracts are now available in the online program planner. Just click into the session of your choice to view the abstract associated with it. Please also utilize the search feature and find interesting presentations and posters on the topics that most interest you.
For Poster Guidelines, click here. If you have any questions, please reach out to abstracts@isth.org.
For Late-Breakthrough Guidelines and submission, click here.
Plan to join thousands of leading experts and share your research. Review the main topics and submission guidelines below.
We look forward to seeing you in Bangkok!
Important Dates
December 1, 2023: Abstract submission opens
January 17, 2024 at 17:00 EST (U.S.): Abstract Submission Website Closes
Early April 2024: Abstract Notifications Sent to Presenting Authors Only UPDATE: Abstract notifications were sent on March 22
May 1, 2024: Abstract Withdrawal Deadline and Presenting Author Registration Deadline
May 1, 2024: Deadline for accepting changes to the author list. No exceptions will be made. Presenting author changes (from the existing author list) will be considered on a case-by-case basis and all requests must be sent by email to abstracts@isth.org.
May 8, 2024: Late-Breakthrough Abstract Submission Website Launches
May 15, 2024 at 17:00 EST (U.S.): Late-Breakthrough Abstract Submission Website Closes
May 17, 2024: Regular Submission Abstract Titles Released (only confirmed participating abstract titles will be released)
May 27, 2024: POSTER PRESENTERS ONLY - Deadline to submit poster for onsite poster printing. This is not required. If you have any doubts, please contact the vendor at customer@postersessiononline.eu.
June 7, 2024 at 09:00 EST (U.S.): Full text of abstracts released (excludes Late-Breakthrough abstracts)
View Guidelines Below:
Main Topics
Acquired and Critical Care Bleeding
Arterial Thromboembolism
Coagulation Factors and Co-Factors
Diagnostics, OMICs and Advanced Technologies
Fibrinogen, Factor XIII, and Fibrinolysis
Inherited Bleeding Disorders and Inhibitors
Modulators of Coagulation and von Willebrand Factor
Nurses and Allied Health
Pediatric Hemostasis and Thrombosis
Platelet Disorders
Platelets and Megakaryocytes
Vascular Biology, Blood Cells, and Immunothrombosis
Venous Thromboembolism
Women's Hemostasis and Thrombosis​​
The content of the abstract must be related to one of the following topics. To ensure smooth scoring of papers, the topic of your work must be selected during the submission process.
Acquired and Critical Care Bleeding
Perioperative Bleeding
Coagulopathy of Trauma
Massive Transfusion Management
Coagulopathy of Liver and Renal Disease
Coagulopathy of Other Systemic Diseases
Antithrombotic Associated Bleeding
Arterial Thromboembolism
Coronary Artery and Cardiac Disease
Atrial Fibrillation
Cerebrovascular Disease
Peripheral Vascular Disease
Diagnosis of ATE
ATE Treatment and Prevention
Coagulation Factors and Co-Factors
Synthesis and Biochemistry
Protein Structure and Function
Non-hemostatic Roles of Coagulation Proteins
Diagnostics, OMICs and Advanced Technologies: This is a broad theme focused on methods. It includes diagnostic laboratory methods, OMICs, novel research methods, experimental models, and advanced technologies including artificial intelligence, machine learning, and mathematical and computational modeling. Please refer to the descriptions below to determine the appropriate subcategory for your abstract.
Diagnostic Laboratory Methods
​Abstracts that describe, evaluate, or validate a clinical coagulation or platelet laboratory assay.
Genomics and Transcriptomics
Abstracts in which genomics or transcriptomic approaches are used.
Proteomics, Metabolomics, and Lipidomics
​Abstracts in which novel proteomic, metabolomics, or lipidomic approaches are used.
Novel Research Methods
​Abstracts that describe, evaluate, or validate novel research methods Abstracts describing, evaluating, or validating novel diagnostic laboratory methods for the clinical coagulation laboratory should be submitted to the “Diagnostic Laboratory Methods” subcategory.
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
Abstracts that use AI or machine learning approaches.​
Mathematical and Computational Models
​Abstracts that use mathematical or computational modeling approaches.
Novel Experimental Models in Hemostasis and Thrombosis Disease
​Abstracts that describe, evaluate, or validate novel experimental in vitro or in vivo models applicable to all areas of hemostasis and thrombosis including platelet and vascular biology.
Fibrinogen, Factor XIII, and Fibrinolysis
Fibrinogen Structure and Function
Factor XIII and Other Transglutaminases
Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis
Regulation of Fibrinolysis
Inherited Bleeding Disorders and Inhibitors
Von Willebrand Disease
Rare Factor Deficiencies
Acquired Factor Deficiencies/Inhibitors
Vascular Disorders
Modulators of Coagulation and von Willebrand Factor
Protein C/S Pathway
Antithrombin and Other Serpins
Non-hemostatic Roles of Anticoagulant Proteins
von Willebrand Factor
ADAMTS13 and Other Proteases
Nurses and Allied Health
Nurses and Allied Health
Pediatric Hemostasis and Thrombosis
Neonatal Coagulation Disorders
Perioperative and Critical Care Coagulation
Pediatric Bleeding and Thrombosis
Bleeding and Thrombotic Issues in Adolescence
Platelet Disorders
Inherited Platelet Disorders
Immune Thrombocytopenia - ITP, HIT, VITT
Thrombotic Microangiopathy
Myeloproliferative Neoplasms and Clonal Disorders
Acquired Platelet Disorders
Platelets and Megakaryocytes
Megakaryocyte Biology
Platelet Biology
Non-hemostatic Roles of Platelets
Receptors and Signaling
Vascular Biology, Blood Cells, and Immunothrombosis
Blood Vessel Structure and Function
Endothelial Cell Biology
Inflammation and Thrombosis
Infection and Immunity
Extracellular vesicles
Red Cell Disorders and Coagulation
Venous Thromboembolism
Deep and Superficial Vein Thrombosis
Pulmonary Embolism
Long-term Complications of VTE
Unusual Site VTE
Diagnosis of VTE
VTE Treatment and Prevention
Cancer-associated Thrombosis
Women's Hemostasis and Thrombosis
Menstrual Bleeding Disorders
Hormonal Modulation of Coagulation
Bleeding and Thrombotic Issues in Aging/Postmenopausal Women
How to Submit an Abstract
Delegates who would like to present their work at the congress, either orally or as a poster, are invited to submit an abstract for consideration by the Scientific Committee.
ISTH Members and Non-Members are invited to submit abstracts.
There are no fees to submit an abstract.
Abstracts can only be submitted online via the abstract submission website that can be found in the section “Abstract Guidelines” on the official ISTH 2024 Congress website. Abstracts sent by post or email will not be accepted. No exceptions will be made.
The submitter will be required to create a new user account in order to submit an abstract. Once logged in, you will be able to submit your abstract. Please note that even if you have submitted in previous years, you will need to create a new user account.
Abstracts can be saved in "Draft” status and be re-edited and modified until the submission deadline (January 17, 2024 at 17:00 U.S. Eastern Standard Time)
You can still make edits to abstracts that have been submitted, but you will need to re-submit it before the deadline to be considered.
The submitted/draft abstracts cannot be edited after the submission deadline.
Only abstracts that have been submitted properly will be considered for the congress.
Any technical questions regarding the submission website should be sent to abstracts@isth.org.
General Guidelines
The abstract must address scientific questions, detail clinical observations, or contain primary scientific data.
Abstracts should be submitted in clear English to allow the reviewers to focus on the scientific content of the abstract. Abstracts submitted in any language other than English will be automatically rejected. Non-English-speaking authors are encouraged to have their abstract checked for grammar and spelling.
Please ensure your abstract does not contain spelling, grammar, or scientific mistakes, as it will be reproduced exactly as submitted. Linguistic accuracy is your responsibility. No proof reading will be done.
Do not slice results from the same study into multiple abstracts. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject abstracts when inappropriate slicing of data is suspected. Similarly, do not submit a copy or close copy of an abstract under more than one (1) topic. Abstracts that appear to be submitted multiple times under different topics will be rejected.
All research and studies in submitted abstracts that involve human subjects or experimental animals must comply with the Declaration of Helsinki.
No revisions can be made after the abstract deadline. To ensure the integrity of the review process, revisions to abstracts will not be accepted after the abstract submission deadline.
Requests for changes to the abstract presentation schedule will not be accepted due to the large number of presentations. Presenting Authors should be prepared to present their work at the date and time listed in their acceptance notification or should provide the ISTH with an alternate presenter from the list of their co-authors by May 1, 2024.
Responsibilities of the Presenting Author
The presenting author serves as the primary contact for all correspondence about the abstract. No other co-authors on the abstract will receive correspondence from the ISTH. The presenting author is responsible for forwarding any ISTH communications about the abstract/presentation to the respective co-authors.
The presenting author of the abstract must be registered for the congress. The abstract(s) will be withdrawn if registration is not completed by May 1, 2024.
The submission of an abstract constitutes a formal commitment by the submitting (presenting) author to present the abstract in-person (if accepted) in the session and the time assigned by the ISTH.
ISTH Embargo Policy
You can view the ISTH Embargo Policy here.
Prior Publication
Authors will be permitted to submit their abstract to the ISTH 2024 Congress and another journal/meeting as long as the data in the abstract has not been published/presented to a scientific audience at the time of submission or will not be published prior to ISTH releasing the abstract (two weeks prior to the meeting). Press releases may be allowed only if general information, no primary detailed data is included.
Abstracts submitted to a regional or national hematology meeting can be submitted to the ISTH 2024 Congress for consideration of inclusion in the program.
If you have questions regarding prior publication, please contact us at abstracts@isth.org.
Preparing an Abstract for Submission
Authors and Co-Authors
The first/presenting author is responsible for ensuring that all authors have read the abstract and agreed to be co-authors.
The presenting author of the abstract must be registered for the congress. Abstract(s) will be withdrawn if registration is not completed by the presenting author by May 1, 2024.
The submission of an abstract constitutes a formal commitment by the submitting (presenting) author to present the abstract in-person (if accepted) in the session and the time assigned by the Scientific Committee. Registration fees will not be waived and no virtual presentations will be allowed.
A maximum of 20 authors is permitted on each abstract, plus one (1) group.
Adding Co-authors: please fill out the family names, first names, and institution, city, country and email addresses of each co-authors.
Based on current accreditation guidelines, if the presenting author is employed by industry, an alternate presenter who does not have a relevant employment relationship must be named if the abstract is selected for presentation in an Oral Communication session.
Conflict of Interest
It is the intent of the ISTH to provide high-quality sessions focused on educational content that is free from commercial influence or bias. Thus, the submitting/presenting author of an abstract is required to declare any potential conflicts of interest for the presenting author during abstract submission.
The submitting/presenting author should be prepared to have each co-author complete and sign a conflict of interest disclosure.
Abstract Body
For standardization, the acceptable length of the abstract is a maximum of 300 words. This does not include the author’s details, titles, tables and figures.
Title: Clearly indicate the nature of the investigation. The abstract title and text may not contain trade names. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to replace trade names in accepted abstracts.
Methods: Which should contain sufficient information to be able to understand the experimental design, the analytical techniques and the statistics used in the study
Results: Which should contain objective data to answer the scientific question(s). A maximum of two total tables or figures may be submitted with this section. Please be sure to number each table and figure and cite each table and figure in the abstract text.
Conclusion (or Conclusions): Which should provide only conclusions of the study directly supported by the results, along with implications for clinical practice, avoiding speculation and overgeneralization.
Other Items for Consideration
In clinical studies, please state whether informed consent was obtained and whether the study was approved by a recognized medical ethics committee.
If the research included in your abstract was supported by a pharmaceutical or diagnostics company, you can indicate this when submitting your abstract.
Please indicate the funding agency of your work if applicable. There is not a specific area to enter this information, it will need to be included as part of the abstract text.
Abbreviations should be defined.
If off-label use of drugs was involved in the study, please state this clearly.
Figures and Table
Figures and tables may be submitted with a maximum file size is 2 MB w. Figures are allowed in the following formats: PNG, GIF, JPG.
Your abstract may contain two (2) figures or tables; this can be a combination of the following: two (2) figures, two (2) tables, or one (1) figure and one (1) table.
You will be asked to include a heading for each of your figures/tables to be included as part of the formal published abstract supplement. The heading(s) for figures/tables is not included in the 300 words allotted for the abstract.
After Submission
An international panel of experts will review the abstracts. Each abstract will be reviewed by 3-5 different experts. Abstracts may be selected for oral presentation, poster presentation, publication only or rejection. Only the presenting author will be notified in early April 2024, at the email address provided during submission, about whether or not their abstract has been accepted.
The reviewers will judge the abstracts according to the following criteria:
Is the abstract original?
Does it address an important scientific question?
Is the abstract clearly written with all salient facts?
Does the work adhere to ethical guidelines?
Is there evidence of statistical method if appropriate?
Are the conclusions justified by the results?
​Please note:
No revisions can be made after the abstract deadline. To ensure the integrity of the review process, revisions to abstracts will not be accepted after the abstract submission deadline. This is inclusive of any changes to the list of co-authors.
The highest quality abstracts will be selected for an oral presentation.
Oral Presentation: Presenting authors of abstracts selected for an oral presentation will be informed about the date and time of the session. The presenting author will be required to be in-person and be required to agree to have their recorded presentation available on the virtual platform for 30 days post congress. No virtual presentations will be offered and presentation guidelines will be made available online two (2) months prior to the congress.
Poster Presentation: Poster presenters will be informed about the date and time of the poster session. The presenting author will be required to be in-person. No virtual poster presentations will be offered. Poster guidelines are available here. Posters will be organized using the topics chosen by the submitter in the online system.
All accepted abstracts will be published online two (2) weeks prior to the ISTH 2024 Congress on Friday, June 7, 2024 at 09:00 EST (U.S.) on the ISTH 2024 Itinerary Planner, except Late-Breakthrough abstracts which will be made available on the day(s) of the Late-Breakthrough Oral Communication session.
All accepted and confirmed abstracts will also be published as an addendum supplement to the ISTH open access journal, Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis (RPTH) and will be made available on the ISTH 2024 Congress website by November 2024.
Withdrawal Policy
If authors wish to withdraw their abstracts from presentation or publication they are required to notify ISTH via e-mail to abstracts@isth.org before Friday, May 10, 2024. Withdrawn abstracts will not be presented or published.
Travel Awards
The ISTH offers three (3) different awards that are provided in the form of travel awards. The Early Career Award, Reach-the-World Award, and ISTH 2021 Philadelphia Congress Local Organizing Committee Legacy Fund Award are available to those who are the presenting authors on an abstract.
Fundamental Research Career Development Awards
Participants who submit and abstract to the ISTH Congress are eligible to apply for a Fundamental Research Career Development Award. Up to three annual awards of up to $50,000 USD will be given in the following categories:
Fundamental Mechanisms of Thrombosis
Fundamental Mechanisms of Hemostasis
Non-canonical Interactions of the Hemostatic System
Click here to learn more. Email education@isth.org with any questions about this award.
Technical Requirements
The online abstract submission system works best with Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Cookies and JavaScript need to be enabled.
Language Setting of Your Keyboard
The keyboard configuration of computers in non-Western countries may cause problems with the printing of the abstracts when special non-Western characters are used. To avoid these problems the language setting of your computer should be changed.
To do this select "Start" then Settings", then "Control Panel" and then choosing "Keyboard." Once in this menu, set the language of your computer to English (United States) or US (International). Next, open MS Word (or the word processing software you are using) and set the font type to Arial.
In the preparation of your abstract, if you require certain special characters that are not available, (e.g. '±', '®', 'μ'), use the insert symbol feature (special characters). To do this, select Arial as the font (unicoded, if possible), then select the required character, and copy and paste the symbol into the text of the abstract. If a special character is still not available, describe the character, e.g. 'alpha’.