
As we approach the ISTH 2024 Congress, the ISTH is committed to acting sustainability and environmentally responsible in as many ways as possible. To achieve this, the Society has implemented several actions to reduce its environmental impact. See a few of the initiatives below.
ISTH sustainable initiatives:
Removal of plastic badge holders:
Since 2023, the ISTH Congress no longer uses plastic badge holders, eliminating a significant source of waste.
Paperless practices:
The ISTH no longer prints an abstract book, state-of-the-art book, extended program book or daily newspaper. These can now all be found online. We also no longer allow paper inserts from supporters to be included in your Congress bag. Combined, these actions save at least 15 million pages of paper, or approximately 1,500 trees.
QSNCC sustainable initiatives:
This information is provided by the QSNCC, please see this page for more details.
Sustainable food practices:
-Sources and uses local food when possible to limit greenhouse emissions from transportation.
-Creates alternate menus that feature vegetarian and plant-based options to help reduce greenhouse emissions from transportation and livestock.
-Reduces food waste by composting.
Encourages public transportation/carpooling to lower carbon footprint:
-Has a direct MRT stop.
-Close to the bus stop.
-Carpool parking.
-Electric vehicle charging stations.
Other initiatives:
-Designed to use sunlight for natural light while also using light colors to limit reflections and limit energy consumption
-Ventilation is maximized throughout the QSNCC.
-Measurement and Verification (M&V) of energy savings to conserve energy by using a smart building.
-Solar panels used as a renewable energy source at the venue.
-LED lights used in exhibit hall to help reduce energy usage.
-Works to limit construction pollution and divert 75% of construction waste away from landfills.
-Uses low-flow water fixtures in the center to limit water consumption.
-Building Automation Systems (BAS) installed to manage building energy consumption.
-Water-efficient fixtures to reduce water consumption by 45% compared to the LEED standard.
-Green Space uses recycled water from HVAC which reduces water in green space by 100%.
-Installed a wastewater treatment system and reuses grey water.
-Uses dust control mats and high-quality MERV 13 to prevent indoor pollution.
-Supports environmentally-friendly products and services (such as those with Green Labels, Carbon Reduction Labels etc.).
-Provides clear marked trash cans/recycling bins and has a waste sorting system to recycle as much as possible.
-Reduces the use of one-off decorative equipment and repurposes décor items whenever possible.
-More than 75% of construction waste is recycled.
-Installed 5,400 square meters of solar panels on the rooftop to serve as a renewable energy source in the building.
-Installed induction LED lighting throughout the building to reduce energy consumption by 40% compared to a reference building per the ASHRAE 90.1-2010 standard.
QSNCC Awards/Certifications:
-Stella Awards MC/Asia: Best Sustainability Initiative (Convention Centre) (August 2023)
-ISO 20121: 2012 Event Sustainability Management System
-ISO 22000: 2018 Food Safety Management System, CODEX HACCP, and GHPs
-Amazing Thailand Safety and Health Administration (SHA)
-QSNCC has been Thailand's first LEED silver certified convention center
-Green Level Contributor of Net Zero Carbon Events Initiative
Carbon Offsetting
The ISTH is excited to once again offer carbon offsetting services in partnership with Planetair, a pioneering organization which supports individuals, businesses and organizations seeking to evaluate, reduce and offset their ecological footprint and especially their climate impact. Please use their calculator to estimate your carbon footprint in traveling to the ISTH 2024 Congress, and then make the appropriate donation to help neutralize your impact on the climate. Please use promo code: ISTH2024 when completing your payment so that we can track the total carbon offsets contributed by our attendees. Calculate and contribute here.